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Höffner, Joseph Kardinal
Christian Social Teaching
With an Introduction and Complementary Notes by Lothar Roos. Original (published in German): Joseph Kardinal Höffner, CHRISTLICHE GESELLSCHAFTSLEHRE, edited, revised and supplemented by Lothar Roos Editor: Butzon & Bercker Publishing Company: Butzon & Bercker • D-47623 Kevelaer, 1997 ISBN 3-7666-0324-8.
English and Chinese translation and digitalization sponsored and organized by ORDO SOCIALIS.
Original (printed in German): Joseph Cardinal Höffner DER STAAT – DIENER DER ORDNUNG. Opening address on the ocasion of the autumn meeting of the German bishop conference in Fulda, 22. September 1986. Series: The Chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference N° 13. Editor: Secreteriat of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bonn.
Translations are based on the German original, Köln 1986.
ECONOMIC SYSTEMS AND ECONOMIC ETHICS Guidelines in Catholic Social Teaching
Original (printed in German): Joseph Kardinal Höffner WIRTSCHAFTSORDNUNG UND WIRTSCHAFTSETHIK Richtlinien der katholischen Soziallehre. Opening address on the ocasion of the autumn meeting of the German bishop conference in Fulda, 23. September 1985. Series: The Chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference N° 12, Editor: Secretariat of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bonn
Translations are based on the German original, Cologne, 1996, ISBN 3-7902-5197-6