Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergold
Chairman of the Board
born in 1958,
is director of the Catholic Social Institute of the Archdiocese of Cologne in Siegburg,
Private lecturer for religious education studies at the University of Bamberg,
Visiting professor at the Cologne University for Catholic Theology – St. Augustin,
Assistant lecturer at the University of Bonn,
Member of the board of the Cardinal Höffner Foundation.
Since September 2013 he is chairman of the board of Ordo socialis
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Since September 2013 he is chairman of the board of Ordo socialis

Dr. Matthias Belafi
vice chairman
born 1977, studied political science, public law and modern and contemporary history in Bonn and Munich
2003-2007 Research Assistant at the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP), Munich and Junior Fellow at the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI), Bonn
2007-2011 Executive Director of the Commission for Societal and Social Issues of the German Bishops’ Conference (VI), Bonn
2010-2011 Assistant lecturer at the Research Institute for Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne
since 2018 Head of Division in the State Chancellery of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf
Member of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK),
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS)

Andree Brüning
born in 1970,
the trained merchant and theologian is managing director of anders.beraten GmbH in Aachen,
Lecturer for business ethics at the Hochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach,
Member of the Bund Katholischer Unternehmer and member of the board of the DG Aachen since 2008,
Member of the Board of the Wirtschaftsrat Aachen.
Since November 2019 he has been a permanent representative of the BKU and a member of the board of Ordo socialis

Cornelius Georg Fetsch
born on 12. 10. 1935 in Mannheim,
Father of four children
Textile merchant
Management positions at C. & A. at home and abroad
1979 – 1993 Federal Chairman of the Federation of Catholic Entrepreneurs (BKU)
Founding member of Ordo socialis
Various honorary offices in the church area
Member of the German Order (OT)

Andreas Ehlert
vice chairman
born 1961, district chimney sweep master
1977 – 1979 Apprenticeship as chimney sweep in the parental business
1979 Journeyman’s examination
1984 Master craftsman’s examination in Münster
1979 – 1995 employed as journeyman chimney sweep, from 1984 as master chimney sweep
1995 – today Appointment by the district president as master chimney sweep in the state capital Düsseldorf
2001 Public appointment and swearing in as an expert by the Düsseldorf Chamber of Crafts for the chimney sweeping trade
2009 – 2014 State Guild Master of the State Association of the Chimney Sweeping Trade in NRW
2010 – 2014 President of the Entrepreneurs’ Association of the Skilled Crafts in NRW
since April 2014 President of the Chamber of Crafts Düsseldorf
since July 2014 President of HANDWERK.NRW
Further honorary posts
Chairman of the Board of the “Verein zur Förderung der beruflichen Bildung – Stiftung Georg-Schulhoff-Preis e.V.” (Association for the Promotion of Vocational Training – Georg Schulhoff Prize Foundation)
Member of the Board of Trustees of the “From Workshop to Workshop” Foundation
Member of the Board of Trustees of the “Catholic Marienhospital Foundation
Member of the Executive Board of the CDU NRW’s SME and Business Association

Dr. h.c. Josef Thesing
1937 born in Alstätte, district Borken, catholic, married, 3 children
1961-1964 Studied political science at the University of Applied Sciences, Munich
1965 Employee of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. (KAS), St. Augustin/Bonn
1966-1973 Representative of KAS in Guatemala and Colombia
1978 Founder and Director of the Office for International Cooperation of the KAS
1984-2000 Head of the International Institute of the KAS
2000-2002 Deputy Secretary General of the KAS
1990-2005 Assistant lecturer at the University of Cologne
Since 1991 Member of the German-Polish Society Cologne-Bonn, including 1998-2000 Managing Director, 2005-2007 Chairman, since 2007 Chairman of the Board of Trustees
1996 co-founder of the Association for the Promotion of the Museum of Jewish History, since 2005 chairman;
since 2005 vice chairman of Ordo Socialis e.V.
Josef Thesing has published more than 70 books as author and/or editor in 21 languages.
He has received numerous high foreign awards, e.g. honorary doctorate and honorary professorship from the Catholic University Rafael Landivar, Guatemala; honorary doctorate from the University of Economics in Prague and the Catholic University in Córdoba, Argentina. In 2008 he was awarded the Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by President Köhler

Peter van den Brock
Peter van den Brock, born in 1942, worked for the Catholic Pax-Bank, based in Cologne, in various positions from 1957 until his retirement in 2007 – most recently as Director and Head of Asset Management.
During his 50 years at Pax-Bank he was a member of various investment committees
and has advised numerous institutional as well as private clients on their investments.
Peter van den Brock has also established and managed foundations with great passion in his function as foundation officer and board member of the Pax-Bank Foundation.
Since retiring in 2007, he has been a member of the board of a microfinance consulting company based in Belgium. The aim of the company is to further develop the idea of microfinance and to tap into the potential of church clients with products. Since then, the trained banker has also been active as a speaker in the areas of ethical investment and foundations.
Since September 2013 the treasurer of Ordo socialis.

Dr. Arnd Küppers
Managing Director of the Scientific Advisory Board
Born 1973, married, two children
Studied Catholic theology, philosophy and law in Bielefeld, Bonn and Freiburg i.Br.
2001 Diploma in Catholic Theology in Bonn with the title “With distinction
2001-2003 Research assistant to Prof. Dr. U. Nothelle-Wildfeuer (chair representative) at the Chair for Christian Social Studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn
2003-2010 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. U. Nothelle-Wildfeuer at the Chair for Christian Social Studies at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Freiburg i.Br.
2007 Doctorate (Dr. theol.) at the Theological Faculty of the University of Freiburg i.Br. with the title “Summa cum laude
2007 Awarded the Bernhard World Prize of the Faculty of Theology Freiburg, donated by the Archbishop’s Ordinariate Freiburg, for the dissertation “Justice in the modern working society and collective bargaining autonomy
Since 09/2010Scientific advisor and deputy director of the Catholic Social Science Central Office in Mönchengladbach
Since 2019 Managing Director of the Scientific Advisory Board of Ordo socialis
Studied Catholic theology, philosophy and law in Bielefeld, Bonn and Freiburg i.Br.
2001 Diploma in Catholic Theology in Bonn with the title “With distinction
2001-2003 Research assistant to Prof. Dr. U. Nothelle-Wildfeuer (chair representative) at the Chair for Christian Social Studies at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn
2003-2010 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. U. Nothelle-Wildfeuer at the Chair for Christian Social Studies at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Freiburg i.Br.
2007 Doctorate (Dr. theol.) at the Theological Faculty of the University of Freiburg i.Br. with the title “Summa cum laude
2007 Awarded the Bernhard World Prize of the Faculty of Theology Freiburg, donated by the Archbishop’s Ordinariate Freiburg, for the dissertation “Justice in the modern working society and collective bargaining autonomy
Since 09/2010Scientific advisor and deputy director of the Catholic Social Science Central Office in Mönchengladbach
Since 2019 Managing Director of the Scientific Advisory Board of Ordo socialis

Lars Schäfers
Secretary General
1988 born in Wuppertal, married
2010-2016 Studies of Catholic Theology in Bonn (Magister)
2016 Awarded the Faculty Prize for the best final thesis of the theological studies in the academic year 2015/16 for the Magister thesis
4/2016-12/2017 Editor at the Publishing House for Taxes, Law and Economics in Bonn (main job)
1/2013-2/2020 Deputy editor-in-chief of the online magazine f1rstlife (part-time job).
11/2017-8/2020 Research auxiliary at the Seminar for Christian Social Doctrine of the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Bonn (part-time job).
9/2020-9/2022 Research assistant at the Seminar for Christian Social Teaching of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn; from 04/2021-03/2022 additionally in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty (part-time job).
Since 2/2018 scientific officer of the Catholic Social Science Central Office in Mönchengladbach (main activity).
Since 2021 Secretary General of Ordo socialis (secondary activity)