Ordo socialis aktuell…
Here you can find our newsletter “Ordo socialis aktuell…Nr. 3″ for download.
Since November 30, 2010 our new website is online !
China-Center reg. ass.:
At a meeting at St. Augustin (near Bonn) on October 26, 2010 members of the China-Center of the Steyler-Missionary and the Executive Committee of Ordo socialis discussed the question which new projects could be started in China.
“Global World and Social Responsibility”
This conferece with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel as speaker had been convened by Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs, diocesan group Cologne, and Ordo socialis. The conference took place on October 21, 2010 at Cologne.
Global World and Social Justice…
Interesting ideas for future projects were developed at a meeting of the study group “Global World and Social Justice. Subjects and Challenges of the Future”, with professors of social ethics, convened by Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, the Catholic Socio-Scientific Center and Ordo socialis. Members of the Scientific Council of Ordo socialis attended the meeting too. With new members from different countries this council shall be developed to a global network.
For further informations please read the event report.
Missio Aachen:
At a meeting with Dr. von Fürstenberg, deputy chairman of Missio Aachen, the possibility of a close collaboration between Ordo socialis and Missio Aachen concerning the translation of writings was discussed.
China-Center reg. ass.:
At a meeting at St. Augustin (near Bonn) on October 26, 2010 members of the China-Center of the Steyler-Missionary and the Executive Committee of Ordo socialis discussed the question which new projects could be started in China.