Economic Systems and Social Justice
Global Perspectives
Under this title in November 2012 an international conference was held at Brussels organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the Katholische Sozialwissenschaftliche Zentralstelle Mönchengladbach (KSZ) and Ordo socialis. The addresses and discussions were centered on the idea, if and in what manner the ethical principles of the Catholic social teaching can be realized on the business activities in different cultures.
Dr. Karlies Abmeier from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo socialis and Dr. h. c. Josef Thesing, member of the board of Ordo socialis and former Deputy Secretary General of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung have compiled the different addresses and organized the edition.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Sankt Augustin/Berlin, 2013
ISBN 978-3-944015-90-3
Karlies Abmeier, Josef Thesing:
– Coordinator religion and value orientation at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Berlin/
– Member of the board of Ordo socialis and former Deputy Secretary General of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Königswinter
- Welcoming speech (German)
Markus Vogt:
Professor of Christian Social Ethics, Faculty of Catholic-Theology, spokesman of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
- Ethische Maximen in der Wirtschaft – Global akzeptiert? (German)
Obiora Ike:
Director of the Catholic Institute for Development, Justice, Peace and Caritas, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, President of the Nigerian Department of the Club of Rome, Uwani Enugu/ Nigeria
- Research, teaching and practice of catholic social teaching on the African continent through communicating faith in the diversity of cultures (English)
Christian Müller:
Professor of Economics and Economic Education, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Normative Voraussetzungen für die Ordnungspolitik (German)
Hwang Jun-Seong:
Faculty of Economics, Soongsil Universität, Seoul/ Südkorea
- Der koreanische Blick auf die christlichen Grundlagen der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft (German)
Mariá Luisa Aspe Armella:
Professor of History, Ibero American University, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Mexico-City/ Mexico
- Latin American economic concepts and Christian social philosophy (English)
Raymond Bernard Goudjo:
President of the seminary “Msgr. Louis Parisot von Tchanvedji”, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Cotonou/ Benin
- Ethische Grundlagen einer Politik nachhaltigen Wachstums: Strukturkrise oder Krise der Menschen? (German)
Dennis T. Gonzalez:
Professor at the Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila University, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Manila/ Philippines
- Catholic political involvement in the Philippines (English)
Camillus D. N. Kassala:
Chairman of “Christian Professionals of Tanzania”, Interfaith Standing Committee for Socio-economic Justice and Integrity of Creation, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Dar Es Salaam/ Tanzania
- Responsibility of democratically-based emerging countries for sustainable economic activities? (English)
Claudio A. Agostini:
Professor of Economics, UniversityAdolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile/ Chile
- Responsibility for sustainable economic activities: the situation in Chile (English)
Joseph P. Kaboski:
Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, President of CREDO
(Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization), Indianapolis/ USA
- Structural transformation: causes, implications and ethics (English)
Pierre Lecocq:
President of the Union Internationale des Associations Patronales Catholiques (UNIAPAC), Paris/ France
- Transformation processes without ethical components? (English)
Guillermo Léon Escobar Herrán:
Professor of Sociology und Politics at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rom, advisor of the Pontifical Council for the Laity , Rom, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Bogotá/ Colombia
- Wachstumsdynamiken wertorientiert leiten aus lateinamerikanischer Sicht (German)
Xingyuang Feng, Christer Ljungwall, Sujian Guo:
– Deputy Director and Senior Research Fellow, Unirule Institute of Economics, Professor of Economics of Rural Development, Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing/ China/
– Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark/
– Professor in the Department of Political Science, Director of Center for US-China Policy, San Francisco State University, USA
- Re-integrating the “Chines miracle”: a multi-dimensional framwork (English)
Peter Schallenberg:
President of the Katholische Sozialwissenschaftliche Zentralstelle, member of the Scientific Council of Ordo Socialis, Mönchengladbach
- Wirtschaftsordnung und soziale Gerechtigkeit (German)