The Principle of Sustainability and its Implementation in Germany
Holding the chair of Christian Social Ethics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and being the spokesman of the Scientific Advisory Board of Ordo socialis, Prof.Dr.Markus Vogt addresses issues of normative contents of sustainability in his text. He names seven dimensions that, in his view, are indispensible for a sound understanding of sustainability: 1.ecological/ forest management, 2. political, 3. theoretically legitimate, 4. socio-economic, 5. democratic, 6. cultural, 7. theological. The objective of his talk is a contribution for “saving the concept” by drawing a clear dividing line from its growing superficiality and undifferentiated use. In addition, he encourages placing sustainability as the fourth social principle of the Catholic social teaching (together with personality, solidarity and subsidiarity). (German, Polnish)