An international conference on “The Future of Work: Human Dignity in an Era of Globalization and Autonomous Technology” should have taken place from 25 to 27 June at the AESE Business School in Lisbon. Unfortunately, this conference was cancelled due to the Corona pandemic. However, one of the highlights of the planned program could at least be held as a digital event: On June 25th the former President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Peter Cardinal Turkson and Nobel Prizing winning economist Professor James Heckman gathered for a digital panel discussion on “A New Humanism in Church, Politics, and Science challenged by globalization and disruptive technology”.
This event was organized by the John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota and the AESE Business School in Lisbon. The panel discussion was moderated by Mons. Prof. Dr. Martin Schlag, who is director of the John A. Ryan Institute and member of the scientific advisory board of Ordo Socialis.
It is possible to watch the video recording of this webinar on Youtube: