Política, Economía y Ética
A spanish essay by Dr. h. c. Josef Thesing in collaboration with Fundación Konrad Adenauer and Istituto de Studios Social Cristianos, Peru 2008. (Spanish)
Política, Economía y Ética
A spanish essay by Dr. h. c. Josef Thesing in collaboration with Fundación Konrad Adenauer and Istituto de Studios Social Cristianos, Peru 2008. (Spanish)
Articles of Prof. Zamagni
The following articles by Prof. Stefano Zamagni, Prof. of the faculty of economics at the University of Bologna and member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences are online:
New article by Cardinal Marx, archbishop of Munich
The article “Engergie-eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit” published in FAZ on May 26, 2011 is available for download in German. (de)