Reinhard Marx
“If Catholic Social Teaching shall contribute efficiently to the shaping of the global order, it must find worldwide spreading. I therefore support the work of Ordo socialis.”
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Munich
Reinhard Marx
“If Catholic Social Teaching shall contribute efficiently to the shaping of the global order, it must find worldwide spreading. I therefore support the work of Ordo socialis.”
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Munich
Lothar Roos:
”The state is “not allowed to make its own competences which restrict the human being in his freedom and responsibility. What the individual citizen or the smaller community respectively can achieve themselves, shall not be taken over by the state.” – With these words the Berlin Episcopal Conference remembers the “subsidiarity principle” which since the encyclica Quadragesimo Anno (No. 79) is known as the most important socio-political principle of the clerical social proclamation and simultaneously of the democratic constitutional state. “
Lothar Roos: Die Grundwerte der Demokratie und die Verantwortung des Christen, 1991, S. 8 der digitalen Version: (The whole text is not yet translatet in English)